Sunday, December 11, 2005

Vices in Winter

It occurs to me that vices thrive in the wintertime. We turn up the heat by a few extra degrees, we'll let time pass by if it means a few minutes more in bed. We drink too much, smoke too much and eat way too much. We spend more than we can afford to spend. Take a day off or two if the snow seems to be spewing a few too many flakes. And if we don't want to venture out - we'll entertain the overages of our cell phone plans so we don't miss out on invaluable friend time. We'll spend more time at parties if it means putting off scraping the ice from the windshield. Heavily caffeinated beverages with steamed milk and foam are had in extra big cups. We long for warm bodies to take up the empty spaces in the bed next to us. Relationships don't have to last a lifetime - maybe just at best - until March. This all occurs to me after hot chocolate and a slice of bread with peanut butter, a cigarette and an episode of Sex & the City...before curling up in bed with a good book. One I most likely won't read much of before falling asleep.

1 comment:

Rommel said...

Oh god yes!!!! I find myself drinking more, eating more foods that I know are not part of my dietary regeme, and sleeping more(SAD child.We get 110 inches of rain a year, go figure!)

Oh yeah, and I CRAVE more sex! That has to be normal......