Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Blank, blank, blank. I can't think of anything to write tonight. Actually that's a lie. I have a million thoughts swirling around my brain and I'm really quite pissed off about it because I was having a relatively good night and then it just went downhill. And I'm really getting tired of downhill. So I'm trying to think, I'm trying to think about something that's not necessarily negative. Something calming. Something that is poignant so I can go back to what I was doing and try to salvage the last couple of hours I have left before I go to sleep. A happy memory. A funny memory. Something. When I was in seventh grade, I had a crush on a boy who was in my homeroom. It was my first crush. He had blonde hair that hung past his eyes. Someone who ended up not being a real friend told me to write him a note asking him if he liked me. So I did. Two girls who were both named Jennifer and wore the same clothes even though they weren't related - laughed when they grabbed it from him in Science class one day and pointed me out in front of everyone. As I left school that day a friend of mine, a boy from day school, ran up to tell me that my crush has pulled him aside before getting on the bus and asked him if the note was true. When my friend said yes the boy replied "I can't believe someone like her would like me, she's so...nice." The next day he started talking to me. We became really good friends. I like to imagine those two Jennifers are living in a trailer somewhere deep frying twinkies for their illegitimate children. But that's just me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »