Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Music Plug #3 - Rediscovered Picks

I'm one of those people who buys a CD, listens only to the song or songs I bought it for, burns out on it and then puts it away only to rediscover it one ambiguous afternoon when I have nothing new to listen to. So - this is the first of some rediscovered picks, CD's I had bought for their hit songs and then found out the entire album...well...rocks. Brad Paisley "Part 2" - This is the album that has "I'm Gonna Miss Her", "Wrapped Around" and "Two People Fell In Love" on it, but each recording on this CD is fun and fabulously country. I popped this in the PC while at work and couldn't believe how great it was. My new favorites - "Come On Over", "I Wish You'd Stay" and "Old Rugged Cross". Brad's new album is in stores in August and features the new hit "Alcohol". If you can't wait for it - hit the bargain bin and grab "Part 2".

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